Minggu, 22 Juni 2008

Can G-d create a rock that He cannot lift?

By Aron Moss

I stopped believing in G-d many years ago. I was taught in university that the concept of an all-powerful being is impossible, because if G-d is all-powerful, can He create a rock that is too
heavy for Himself to lift? Whatever the answer is, there is something He can't do!

I never found this question to be too challenging. There are, in fact a number of philosophical answers to it. But the simplest answer is: the paradox of the "heavy rock" is a logical paradox. But G-d created logic. He is not limited to the logic that He created. Being all-powerful means that you are not defined by any rules, not even the rules of logic.

We humans can also defy logic. When we live a moral and good life even though the world seems like such an unfair place where evil people seem to succeed, then we are defying logic and become G-dlike.

Source: http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/160974/jewish/Can-G-d-create-a-rock-that-He-cannot-lift.htm

2 komentar:

Ariel Zalman mengatakan...

Here is my personal comment. I believe G-d can do anything outside the logical box. We learn that in the wilderness, the Holy Tabernacle (Mishkan) can hold the fullness of G-d presence (Shekinah). How could it be that G-d contract all His glorious presence into a single spot in this physical world ?

So I think He can create that rock, but the question now is for what purpose ? for satisfying unbelievers ?

For believers there is no question, for unbelievers there is no answer.

Ariel Zalman mengatakan...

There is a new thread on the same subject in Chabad.org
